Webmaster, Jared Rimer, asks that anyone not receiving rosters or journals who are signed up on line to contact him at: Or, call toll-free in U.S. and Canada - 1-866-824-7876 and follow the voice prompts. (Kindly leave a message with a complete phone number.) International members, call: 1-818-703-0741.
Members within the U.S. who receive their roster of members in braille format, will no longer automatically receive the embossed version. Many members have expressed a desire to receive large volumes such as the roster in electronic format only. Our Network has grown with over sixty new members this year alone, and mass production of the now 75-braille-page roster is no longer possible due to embossing costs. On-line subscriptions have also grown considerably.
Everyone using the mail will still receive the News Journal in braille and print, and a print roster will be sent to everyone who is now receiving mail. However, those who desire the braille roster will still be able to request the electronic braille file through our Webmaster, Jared Rimer - www.menvi.org. Embossing can easily be obtained for blind readers through most local agencies at a nominal cost.
Those outside of the U.S. will still receive the roster in braille where embossing may be a hardship. A limited number of rosters will also remain available at MENVI headquarters for special requests. Advisors and Specialists will, however, continue to receive their braille copies.
The new roster will now include some new features! We have listed members who have indicated that they are music transcribers in their applications. It's not an official listing, but it should help members seeking transcribers to network more effectively. Also, many have indicated that they are teachers of music braille, and will also be listed under a special Educators column with their state location. Take a look, and if you have more information for us to add to the lists, it will be most welcome.
Our deepest gratitude to Sigma Alpha Iota who has given us a grant of $1,000 for the operating support of the MENVI Network. Thanks also to all of the Supporting Members who have contributed generously to offset our costs. It is well to remember that MENVI does not require dues for membership and its services. It is sponsored completely by SCCM, which is itself a non-profit organization depending on grants and contributions to survive and house the Braille Music Division. Your support and thoughtful voluntary donations are all that we have to continue the network and its service to blind members worldwide.
No matter how prestigious the reputation of a music school may be, a blind student is at serious academic risk without specialized and dedicated support - support specifically tailored to his or her needs. Sadly, blind students graduate every year, musically illiterate, and are too often left with only the debts from their student loans.
The Braille Music Division in West Hills California is located only minutes away from California State University at Northridge, and has pledged its library resources, music braille training, transcription services, and academic preparatory support to blind music majors at Cal State Northridge.
Although SCCM is not authorized to grant college credit of any kind, the special preparatory and braille music literacy skills developed and taught there are available to all blind students.
Cal State Northridge offers full dormitory and resident facilities. Guest tours and pre-college counseling on the campus are available for students and their families. The Center on Disabilities welcomes inquiries and visits by appointment.
For contact information, please call SCCM - West Hills at 818-704-3819. Or, call CSUN Center on Disabilities at 818-677-2684.
Millie Irwig of NBA Music Committee has generously provided this fine list of links for searching braille music listings. We hope to include the links soon on our Website.
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If you find broken links on this Web page, please Contact MENVI. Kindly be specific when reporting broken links, as this will aid in repairing problems more quickly.
You may call the Webmaster at 818-921-4976. You may also text the webmaster or voice on Whats App by using 804-442-6975. Please leave a message if there is no response. Include your name, phone number, and the nature of the problem. We will only contact you if we need aditional information. Enjoy the Site!
MENVI takes your privacy of your personal information very seriously. Since 2003, we've never sold, rented, disclosed, distributed or given any member information to anyone that is a non-member of this network. Contact information we have is not for sale! MENVI advisors info is for the public, and our web site has email links, and we can freely give out other information about them. Questions? Please contact us!