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The Articles and Discussions Page

Welcome to the Articles and discussion section. Here you will find published articles and discussions concerning education, music, and braille music literacy. Permission has been granted for posting, and the MENVI Network or Superior Software, Inc. is not responsible for article content. These articles/discussions are in raw format. When finished reading, press your alt+left arrow or click the back button on the toolbar of Internet Explorer to return to this page. If you would like to save any article right click or press shift+f10 and select save target as. Select a folder to which you would like to save the file to, and select save. This tip works for the newsletter links as well. If you would like a text copy printed, click on the article in question or press enter, and select print from your browser's file menu. Contact the webmaster if you have any questions.

Published Articles

  1. The Literacy Movement by Richard Taesch appeared in MTAC, Journal, The california Music Teacher Fall 1994
  2. COLLEGE MUSIC PROGRAMS - Are they meeting the needs of our blind and VI students? By Valerie Gaer M.M. published in Newsletter 16
  3. Reprint: Advice from Members reprinted from Newsletter 7
  4. Editorial Literacy Editorial reprinted from Newsletter 8
  5. The Education of an Educator by Stephanie Pieck reprinted from newsletter 4
  6. Using Ed-It and the Braille Lite by Andrew Meyer reprinted from Newsletter 2
  7. BLIND TEACHER, SIGHTED STUDENT By Juliana Raiche reprinted from Newsletter 2
  8. SO YOU WANT TO SING IN A CHOIR by Maureen Carole Young reprinted from Newsletter 2
  9. Perkins Panda teaches literacy skills reprinted originally from Braille Book Review with Permission from NLS
  10. ATTITUDE AND APTITUDE: Preparing Blind Students for Success by Stephanie Pieck
  11. Braille and Why Its Important by Jared Rimer
  12. A Guide to "Sight Reading" and Music Memorization for the Blind Instrumentalist By alexandria Davis: (MENVI discuss posting 11-10-06) posted with permission)

This completes the published articles section. Below, you will find non-published articles that may be of interest that derived from discussions on the MENVI discussion list. They may be used in future articles.


Welcome to the discussion portion of the articles section. These discussions have been transcribed from lists discussions on MENVI Discuss. To learn about the lists Click here to go to the subscriptions page. These discussions are not published, but may be used in future articles.

  1. MENVI Discuss reply finding music teachers? By Ann Clem August 31, 2003, 14:42 PDT
  2. INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON MUSIC BRAILLE, by Bettye Krolick this will appear in the CTEVH journal, Fall 2003.
  3. Request for Help from a College Educator private correspondence
  4. slate and stylus don't toss it yet! MENVI discussion from MENVI discuss
  5. on-line survey for use of braille music reading and production MENVI discussion and personal response May 5, 2004
  6. Question about Recitals,and wishing I had more than three hands MENVI discussion
  7. Should blind students be allowed to teach others? (menvi discussion)
  8. conductor discussion see references to the following newsletters:
  9. inspiration to continue to teach MENVI discussion

This completes the discussion portion of the articles/discussion page. Now please choose from the following links to continue.

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