Here are some things that people are saying about MENVI's services!
"I have been blind since birth. I learned piano since I was 5, and I took violin lesson when I took my diploma degree in IMH Academy in Kuching, Malaysia, as a second instrument. I currently teach piano, violin, and English. I have 15 students: 11 piano and 4 violin. I also tune pianos for customers. I used to learn everything by ear but longed to read music since childhood. Teachers and people around me told me that there will be no way for me to learn to read. I quit from that piano teacher after getting my English degree in 2004. A friend of mine searched on the net and found information about Richard Taesch's book: “An Introduction to Music for the Blind Student, Parts I and 2”. This contacted Richard to find ways to purchase the books, and Richard introduced me to Menvi. I am glad to be among musicians who promote Braille music literacy; I don't feel alone in my own struggle to introduce it to people in my country. I got many support, input, insights, ideas, and tips of teaching and handling various music-related situations, such as how to deal with other musicians to perform a string quartet, etc. I know some transcribers from MENVI, and they have given me tremendous help to get my college materials and pieces into braille so I could get my music degree well. I want to thank MENVI for its existence, its support, its encouragement, and everything. It keeps helping me in my teaching career. I can overcome many opstacles, especially prejudices that blind musicians could never teach. My students are all sighted and it's a blessing to get their trust. Thank you, Menvi."
"I am a blind Opera student in the middle of my BA program. Someone from SCCM told me about MENVI. Networking with fellow musicians and talking with teachers and transcribers about challenges that I face in School and otherwise as a blind musician has been very valuable. I have also met a Braille music Teacher (Sandra Gayer) through MENVI. She is helping me build my Braille skills as well as preparing me to take the ABRSM exams. I have managed to learn more music in the last 9 months than I have in my whole life and almost all of it has been from Braille music. Without MENVI I would still be singing by ear and probably not a music major. Transcribers have been on MENVI and Dancing Dots is always there to offer support on their products and to inform us what their programs can do."
"I am the parent of a blind child who loves music. I know many visually impaired musical children in my area but none of them has progressed very far in braille music code and so I struck out on my own with MENVI's help. The best thing is being able to communicate with those people who can provide you with just the help you need—and they may be all the way across the country and otherwise inaccessible. People on MENVI helped my daughter learn Braille music code. Now, she needs to work on improving the speed of her reading and on her writing music code, as well as pick up all those practical tips like getting scores and apps. I always at least skim the MENVI posts in my inbox because there's a lot of great information out there."
"I am a public school music teacher (band and orchestra) and I have had a few blind students who read Braille music. I have learned Braille music to teach them. I found MENVI when I did a web search for Braille music resources. I learn a lot from the discussion that happens about many different subjects and questions that get posted. The ones that interest me the most are those that are about Braille music, or about the experiences of blind music students, especially those entering college. As a sighted music teacher, I think it is important for me to know more about the issues that blind musicians face in order to help prepare my students for the future. I also have occasionally posted questions and I always get helpful and friendly responses. My questions have been mostly about braille music, but also recently asked about accessible apps for the iPhone for blind musicians. It is a relief to have a place to ask questions that will allow me to be a better teacher for my students who read Braille music. I know that MENVI is a place that has many people with different experiences who can "weigh in" on any questions I or my student may have. This is a great resource, and I appreciate the information that is shared."
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